A day in the life of Wallace Williams...
...Virgin Islands Pace...
"...and with steady stride
he ran across the beloved land..."



     My Friend...My Hero...
By Wallace Williams

     To people in Taylor County, located in central Kentucky, he was the best basketball player it ever produced. A legend in his own time in an era when greatness on the basketball court was defined by criteria specific to white only players in white only schools. This is how it was in a state that loves its basketball perhaps like nothing else. Breaking Barriers by Clem Haskins with Marc Ryan 1997 Sports Publishing Inc., is the life story of Clem Haskins, former head basketball coach of the University of Minnesota and Western Kentucky University, his alma mater. Clem is identified as the coach who has become highly respected by his peers, his friends and by his players.  Click here to continue...
Breaking Barriers by Clem Haskins with Marc Ryan may be purchased at: http//www.amazon.com

     I run. My race of all races is the Seoul Olympics Marathon 1988. I can still feel each mile as if it were yesterday. There is no feeling like running the final lap in Olympic stadium and crossing the finish line at the end of the Olympic marathon!

     I Read... By profession I am a Librarian. A hurricane Hugo survivor, all 13 hours of it, each in the library!

     I remember... An athlete for most of my life, my accomplishments are modest compared to those of some of my friends. There are so many memories. Basketball.

     "I love this game". My special attachment to it lives on.

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Thanks for letting me share.

The Virgin Islands Pace Runners - Link to: | virginislandspace.org | The Virgin Islands Track & Field Federation | Virgin Islands Running Calendar | More |                        
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